Friday, August 12, 2011

A "PK" Moment

We have a wonderful friend who has lovingly cared for our 8 year old son Gray every Thursday this summer. He looks forward to his time with her and her 9 year old son. He and Gray have become quite good buddies and look forward to their time together each week.

Yesterday Gray proclaimed to his friend that he knew what they were going to be when they grew up. This is where Gray reveals he is a PK. His friend is going to be a stripper and Gray is going to be his manager. His friend asked, "What is a stripper?" Gray told him a stripper was someone who took their clothes off and everyone gave them $20 bills, and they could make a lot of money that way. Gray then also shared that because his last name was Palmer, and Palmer's are famous people because everyone knows them, it would be best for him to be the manager.

Our wonderful friend upon hearing this story asked Gray how he knew what a stripper was. He is 8 years old...right? I have to keep reminding myself of this because I'm thinking he's closer to 20 right now. Anyway, he proceeded to tell her that his dad and mom told him about strippers. Gasp! Let me assure all of you right now that we have not talked to Gray about strippers, ever. Also, should he ever mention to you that he's been to Hooters with his dad, it's another conceived notion in his mind. He's never been there either with us or anyone else but it is a story he loves to tell about us.

Oh how Satan does love to have a hayday with PK's (and their parents). When my friend texted me at work to share this story my response back to her was, "I don't know if I should say I'm sorry or laugh". She's great, she said she was cracked up. I thank the Lord every day for friends like her who instead of freaking out over what her child learned from another (and she probably did freak a little), she just takes it in stride. She is one of those friends that loves on my children and does not judge them for their faults, and I am forever grateful for her and for God placing her in my life. Sending love to my friend....she knows who she is!

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