Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Kids are "PK's"

My kids are "PK's". They have been since they were born. When my children were infants, they were "PK's" because their father was a policeman thus they were "policeman's kids". Our calling into ministry didn't change the fact my kids are still "PK's", just now they are "preacher's kids". To my children, it's like having two strikes against you. Why? I'm glad you asked!

PK's of any type, whether it be a policeman's kid or a preacher's kid, are held to higher standards than other children. It's not an opinion, unfortunately it is a fact we have experienced innumerous times in ministry. Let me share a few examples:

"I saw the pastor's child laying on the front pew sleeping during worship service. He should be setting a better example to the others, his father is one of our pastors."

"Their son got in trouble at school and that is just horrible. His father is a pastor and he should know better."

From my son, "people think I have all the answers and come to me for everything just because dad is a pastor. Mom, I don't have all the answers."

We are assured, as a family, that God has called us into ministry as a family. We do not believe God would have called my husband without having called and equipped the rest of us to be a part of his ministry. What concerns me, and what people overlook sometimes though, is that while God called us, our children must learn to walk with Christ just as any unsaved person, and they must come to "call upon his name so that they too shall be saved". In simpler words, our children while called to ministry with us because of God's plan simultaneously inherited this ministry and were not automatically saved as a result of it. Just as all believers must confess Jesus as saviour, admit he died on the cross and rose again on the 3rd day, so too must a preacher's child.

Please don't expect anything more of a PK than you do of your own children or would of someone else's child. They must walk with God in his timing for their life and not in our timing because of God's calling on our family. Also, remember there was only one perfect being on this earth and his name was Jesus. Just as you and your kids will make mistakes and bad choices, so too will a policeman's child or a pastor's child. Next time you are tempted to judge a "PK", first stop yourself. Next, pray for them, their walk with the Lord and for God to protect them from this unnecessary and hurtful judgement. Give them a hug and thank them for being obedient to God's calling on their family.

I am the woman who has an unlimited love for Christ, her children and your Pastor.

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