If we listen carefully when we are out in the public, we will more often than not hear the Holy Spirit speaking to us. If you are like me, you are always hesitant to respond because surely God would not use me to minister to someone, especially an absolute stranger. Believing God could surely not use us, then not allowing God to use us, has two effects. First, it robs us of a blessing and secondly, it deprives the other person of encountering God through us.
Since my husband is a pastor, it is very easy for me to "let him do all the work". He has a boldness like none I've ever seen when it comes to asking strangers if they have a personal relationship with God, and can easily provoke such conversations without intimidating the other person. It's one of the many things I love about him. He's both fearful and fearless. Why does this matter? Today, the Holy Spirit led me to boldly step out of my comfort zone and what a blessing it was.
My mom is an antique dealer. She has never been the type of dealer that went out "picking". Picking is when you go to people's homes and buy items in their homes to resale for a profit. Some pickers get leads on people wanting to sell items, and other people make cold calls at homes of interest. Today, she was invited into a home to see if she might have any interest in their antiques and asked me to ride along for her first picking experience. My oldest son Trey went with us as well.
When we arrived at the home we immediately wondered what we had gotten ourselves into. The home was a combination of two barns that had been moved to the property many years ago and were joined by a center part which was added. It was very rustic and while the home itself was unique, the junk around the yard was intimidating. We went in and knew at that moment we were in a picker's heaven. It only took about five minutes of looking to know we needed some help. I called my husband to bring his truck and trailer because we would be filling them up. Mom got a lot of great items but none of the stuff compared to the ministry opportunity God led us into.
The young lady selling the items was doing so because her mom was in hospice and her father was in a rest home. One was dying and the other was unable to care for himself. While we were waiting for my husband, the young lady began to share her parent's story with us. The more she talked the more her tears began to flood her face. We listened intently, empathetic to her situation, because four years ago we had stood in her shoes as my dad was lying in a hospice bed dying.
I felt God leading me to ask about her mom's salvation and she said her mother was a Christian. I then felt God pushing me more and telling me to ask her about her salvation. The entire time I felt God nudging I also felt Satan making me doubt myself and my abilities. I ignored Satan and listened to God and am glad I did.
She shared with me that she believed in Christ but that her faith was being tested by the trial of her mother and why God would allow her to suffer so much. She had cancer tumors on her spine that had actually broken her spine and she had not eaten in three weeks. I was able to share with her that it is always difficult to understand why God allows suffering of our loved ones but that we must have faith of the greater plan which we do not yet know. The most precious part of this moment was when I asked her if I could pray for her and she said yes. My mom, son, the young lady and myself all joined hands in the front yard amidst clutter, thunder in the background and the threat of rain. I prayed for this young lady and her situation, quoting scripture (if you know me then you know this was a total God thing because my memory is horrible) and asked God to give her a peace that only He could provide. I'm not sure which of the blessings I received today was the greatest. All I know is I am grateful and humbled by each of them.
Today was a divine appointment. It was not about picking or about antiques. It was about God sending us to minister to one of his hurting children, and trusting us to be obedient to his calling. I am so thankful God chose me to be his messenger today and that he sent me with my mom and son. Had he sent my husband with me, I would have never had the boldness because I would have once again, let him take the lead and do all the work.
I am the woman who walks by his side but must also walk with the Holy Spirit when your pastor is not by my side.
The Color Run
10 years ago